
Research Interests

• High-dimensional statistics
• Statistical machine learning
• Multiple hypothesis testing

Publications and Preprints

Two-stage Hypothesis Tests for Variable Interactions with FDR Control
Jingyi Duan, Yang Ning, Xi Chen, Yong Chen
Submitted, 2022. [Arxiv]
Test of Significance for High-dimensional Thresholds with Application to Individualized Minimal Clinically Important Difference
Huijie Feng*, Jingyi Duan*, Yang Ning, Jiwei Zhao (*: equal contribution)
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2023+. [Arxiv]

Honors and Awards

• Distinguished Student Paper Awards, Eastern North American Region International Biometric Society (ENAR). (2023)
• Best Undergraduate Thesis Award, University of Science and Technology of China.(2019)
• Outstanding Student Scholarship, Golden Prize & Silver Prize, University of Science and Technology of China.(2016, 2017, 2018)